2012 m. liepos 17 d., antradienis

Aš šlovinu tave, nes esu nuostabiai ir baimę keliančiai sukurtas Psalmė 139, 13-14

Citatos iš knygos "Fearfully and wonderfully made"
by Dr.Paul Brand and Philip Yancey

Negaliu nesidalinti...

"At the cellular (ląstelių) level, massive warfare is a daily fact of life. Fifty thousand invaders may lurk on the rim of a drinking glass, and a billion can be found in a half-teaspoon of saliva (seilių). Bacteria enshroud my body - every time I wash my hands I sluice five million of them from the folds of my skin.... (psl.18)
So, a devout vegetarian who gulps (nuryja) cold (psl.22) spring water imbibes (įsisavina) a horde (galybę) of creatures - live animals! - without flinching."

"My body employs a bewildering zoo of cells, none of which individually resembles the larger body. Just so, Christ`s body comprises an unlikely assortment of humans. unlikely is precisely the right word, for we are decidedly unlike one another and the One we follow." (psl 29)

"People, created in His image, have continued the process of individualization, grouping themselves according to distinct cultures. Consider the continent of Asia for a crazy salad. In China women wear long pants and men wear gowns. In tropical Asia people drink hot tea and munch on blistering peppers to keep cool. Japanese fry ice cream. Indonesian men dance to demonstrate that they are not homosexuals. westerners smile at the common Asian custom of marriages arranged by parents; Asians gasp at our entrusting such a decision to vague romantic love. Balinese men squat to urinate and women stand. Many Asians begin a meal with a sweet and finish with a soup. And when the British introduce the violin to India a century ago, men started playing it while sitting on the floor, holding it between the shoulder and the sole of the foot. Why not?" (psl.32)

"The secret to membership (what moves cells to work together) lies locked away inside each cell nucleus (branduolys), chemically coiled (susivyniojusi) in a strand of DNA. Once the egg and sperm share their inheritance, the DNA chemical ladder splits down the center of every gene much as the teeth of a zipper pull apart... DNA is estimated to contain instructions that, if written out, would fill a thousand six-hundred-page books. The DNA is so narrow and compacted that all the genes in all my body`s cells would fit into an ice cube; yet if the DNA were unwound (išvyniota) and joined together end to end, the strand could stretch from earth to the sun and back more than four hundred times".
"DNA has organized chemicals and minerals to form a living and growing body, all of whose parts possess its unique corporate identity. In a parallel way, God uses the materials and genes of natural man, splitting them apart and recombining them with His own spiritual life. "(46-47 psl.)

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